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Jaw sprain or jaw strain symptoms and treatments

Posted on 4/11/2022 by Water's Edge Dental
Jaw sprain or jaw strain symptoms and treatmentsA jaw sprain is a musculoskeletal disorder that is from a traumatic experience or having a mechanical injury that strains the jaw and muscles that surround the jaw. Having trauma to the jaw means that the jaw has been hit hard, bruxism, wide yawning, lengthy dental appointments, and even dental injections. Our dental team will treat you if you have a sprain or strain to the jaws.

Spain and Strain

A sprain means that there is excessive stretching of the ligaments and this can even tear them. Jaw sprain can even be around the ligaments that surround the jaw when they get stretched more than normal. The tearing varies and is mild or severe tearing. Strain means that there is an injury to the tendons or the muscles and this can be because of constraints on the muscle fibers.

Treatment of strain and sprain of the jaw

During dental checkups ensure that you ask for a break so that the jaw will relax. It is good to take anti-inflammatory before seeing a dentist for a checkup. If the pain is too much during the checkup you can ask the dentist to reschedule the appointment. You can also use cold and hot compresses when you experience a strain on the muscles Apply cold on tender places to reduce inflammation. Using a hot compress will allow oxygen supply to be increased and nutrients will be taken to damaged areas much easier and faster. Massage will help in the reduction of swollen inflammation and also allow for good blood circulation.

Eat foods that are not hard so that the mouth is not exposed to pressure. Our dentists will give you guidance on things to do when examining to ensure that you do not strain.

6657 N. Glenwood Street
Boise, ID 83714-1925

Monday: 8:00 am–5:00 pm
Tuesday: 8:00 am–5:00 pm
Wednesday: 7:00 am–4:00 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am–5:00 pm
Friday: 7:00 am–12:00 pm

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